From Confusion to Clarity: The Ultimate HMO Cheat Sheet

It’s such a great feeling when you successfully source a deal that stacks and your offer gets accepted. But then what?

Let’s face it, the process of converting a property into a HMO can feel quite overwhelming and daunting at times. Especially if you are new to HMO investing and you don’t know what to do when.

We get asked all the time by new and even experienced hmo investors to:

A: Clarify the whole or parts of the HMO conversion process.
Clarify what they need to do and when.
Where to find certain information
What they need to be aware of as you don’t know, what you don’t know.

So instead of individually answering all of the questions we get, we decided to create this ultimate step by step HMO conversion roadmap to clarify the whole process for you from start to finish. You are welcome and enjoy!

Ps. No email address required.

As Featured in:

Andy Graham’s HMO Roadmap


Will any old Architect do?


The HMO Podcast with Andy Graham Episode